Learn More About the Columbia River Treaty
Follow these links for more information on the treaty and the opportunity we have to improve it for the Columbia Basin’s future.
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B.C. Government Columbia River Treaty Website
On behalf of its federal and Indigenous partners, British Columbia maintains an extensive website to catalog both current and historical Columbia River Treaty related information. Their Agreement-In-Principle specific web page and the documents linked on it provide the most detailed information available about the current state of the treaty modernization process.
U.S. State Department Columbia River Treaty Website
On behalf of its federal partners, the U.S. State Department maintains a website for the Columbia River Treaty.
U.S. Entity Regional Recommendation for the Columbia River Treaty after 2024
A consensus document released in 2013 following an extensive multi-year process involving Northwest states, tribes, and stakeholders.
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
CRTIFC maintains a web page with extensive information on the Columbia River Treaty and its impact on the commission’s four member tribes.
Upper Columbia United Tribes
UCUT is leading work to restore salmon past Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams - a tremendous opportunity that depends in part on securing a better Columbia River Treaty.
One River, Ethics Matter
A series of NGO supported annual conferences co-hosted by Indigenous sovereigns and academic institutions in different locations across the watershed since 2014: “An ethics consultation for a critically-ill river.”
Columbia River Roundtable
A transboundary network regularly gathering concerned individuals from both sides of the U.S.-Canada border to facilitate dialogue on environmental, social justice, and governance issues in the Columbia River Basin.
The Sierra Club Columbia River Team
A team of grassroots volunteers coordinating the Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana Chapters of the Sierra Club (with outreach to British Columbia) to make a difference on the Columbia River Treaty and salmon reintroduction above Grand Coulee Dam.
[Canadian] Upper Columbia Basin Environmental Collaborative
UCBEC unites a cross-section of environmental voices from the Canadian Columbia River Basin to educate Canadian citizens and decision makers about opportunities to benefit ecosystems through a modernized treaty.
[Canadian] Columbia River Treaty Local Governments Committee
Local governments in the Canadian portion of the watershed have developed detailed consensus recommendations for the future of the Columbia River Treaty.